
How Can You Contribute?

Payroll Deduction

Frontier School Division employees (teaching and support staff) may elect to make donations by payroll deduction to the scholarship or bursary of their choice. Contact payroll staff for more information. (Payroll deduction form)

Corporate Donations

Corporate donations to support existing scholarships and bursaries or to create new, “named” awards are welcome and encouraged. Corporations wishing to support the Foundation should contact the Board of Directors.

Outright Gift

For those who wish to give a monetary or non-monetary gift to the N.O.F.I. receipts are issued for income tax purposes.

Memorial Gift

When a friend or a relative dies and the family asks that you make a contribution to charity, N.O.F.I. may be the right charity to designate, one that will continue to benefit the community. Receipts are issued for income tax purposes and the family of the deceased will be informed that a memorial donation has been received.


People may choose to leave money in their wills to Nikanihk Ohci Foundation. A bequest can be a specified amount of money, a particular property (stocks, bonds, real estate) or a specified percentage of an estate. Bequests may be designated by a donor for specific purposes or in general support of the Foundation. Donors should consult their lawyers when making a bequest.